

Divide and Conquer

Closest Pair of Points

Finds the distance between the closest pair of points

def closest_pair(points: list) -> float:
    points_sorted_x = sorted(points, key=lambda x: x[0])
    points_sorted_y = sorted(points, key=lambda x: x[1])

    def euclidean_distance_sqr(p1, p2):
        return (p1[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (p1[1] - p2[1]) ** 2
    def distance_between_closest_pair(points_, min_distance):
        for i in range(len(points_)-1):
            for j in range(i+1, len(points_)):
                current_distance = euclidean_distance_sqr(points_[i], points_[j])
                if current_distance < min_distance:
                    min_distance = current_distance
        return min_distance

    def distance_between_closest_in_strip(points_, min_distance):
        for i in range(min(6, len(points_)-1), len(points_)):
            for j in range(max(0, i-6), i):
                current_distance = euclidean_distance_sqr(points_[i], points_[j])
                if current_distance < min_distance:
                    min_distance = current_distance
        return min_distance
    def closest_pair_of_points(points_x, points_y, point_counts):
        if point_counts <= 3:
            return distance_between_closest_pair(points_sorted_x, float("inf"))

        mid = point_counts // 2
        closest_in_left = closest_pair_of_points(points_x, points_y[:mid], mid)
        closest_in_right = closest_pair_of_points(points_y, points_y[mid:], point_counts-mid)
        closest_pair_distance = min(closest_in_left, closest_in_right)

        cross_strip = []
        for point in points_x:
            if abs(point[0] - points_x[mid][0]) < closest_pair_distance:

        closest_in_strip = distance_between_closest_in_strip(cross_strip, closest_pair_distance)
        return min(closest_pair_distance, closest_in_strip)

    return closest_pair_of_points(points_sorted_x, points_sorted_y, len(points)) ** 0.5

Heaps Algorithm

Finds all permutations of an input list

def heaps(arr: list) -> list:
    res = []

    def generate(k, subset):
        if k == 1:

        generate(k-1, subset)

        for i in range(k-1):
            if k % 2 == 0:
                subset[i], subset[k-1] = subset[k-1], subset[i]
                subset[0], subset[k-1] = subset[k-1], subset[0]
            generate(k-1, subset)
    generate(len(arr), arr)
    return res


Count the number of inversions in an array.

def count_inversions(arr: list) -> int:

    def cross_inversions(p, q):
        r = []
        i = j = num_inversion = 0
        while i < len(p) and j < len(q):
            if p[i] > q[j]:
                num_inversion += len(p) - i
                j += 1
                i += 1
        if i < len(p):
        return r, num_inversion

    def inversions(subset):
        if len(subset) <= 1:
            return subset, 0
        mid = len(subset) // 2

        a, inversion_p = inversions(subset[0:mid])
        b, inversion_q = inversions(subset[mid:])
        c, cross_inversion = cross_inversions(a, b)
        return c, inversion_p + inversion_q + cross_inversion

    return inversions(arr)[1]

Kth Order Statistic

Finds the kth smallest number in a list

from random import choice

def kth_number(arr: list, k: int) -> int:
    pivot = choice(arr)

    smaller = [i for i in arr if i < pivot]
    bigger = [i for i in arr if i > pivot]

    if len(smaller) == k -1:
        return pivot
    elif len(smaller) < k - 1:
        return kth_number(bigger, k - len(smaller) - 1)
        return kth_number(smaller, k)

Max Difference Pair

Given a list of numbers find the pair with the largest difference

def max_difference(arr: list) -> tuple[int, int]:
    if len(arr) == 1:
        return arr[0], arr[0]

    first = arr[:len(arr)//2]
    second = arr[len(arr)//2:]

    small_1, big_1 = max_difference(first)
    small_2, big_2 = max_difference(second)

    min_first = min(first)
    max_second = max(second)

    if big_2 - small_2 > max_second - min_first and big_2 - small_2 > big_1 - small_1:
        return small_2, big_2
    elif big_1 - small_1 > max_second - min_first:
        return small_1, big_1
        return min_first, max_second

Max Subarray

Finds the maximum subarray in a list

def max_subarray(arr: list) -> list:

    def max_cross_sum(low, mid, high):
        cross_sum = 0
        left_sum, max_left = float("-inf"), -1
        right_sum, max_right = float("-inf"), -1
        for i in range(mid, low-1, -1):
            cross_sum += arr[i]
            if cross_sum > left_sum:
                left_sum = cross_sum
                max_left = i

        cross_sum = 0
        for i in range(mid+1, high+1):
            cross_sum += arr[i]
            if cross_sum > right_sum:
                right_sum = cross_sum
                max_right = i

        return max_left, max_right, (left_sum + right_sum)

    def subarray(low, high):
        if low == high:
            return low, high, arr[low]

        mid = (low + high) // 2
        left_low, left_high, left_sum = subarray(low, mid)
        right_low, right_high, right_sum = subarray(mid+1, high)
        cross_left, cross_right, cross_sum = max_cross_sum(low, mid, high)
        if left_sum >= right_sum and left_sum >= cross_sum:
            return left_low, left_high, left_sum
        elif right_sum >= left_sum and right_sum >= cross_sum:
            return right_low, right_high, right_sum
        return cross_left, cross_right, cross_sum

    res = subarray(0, len(arr)-1)
    return arr[res[0]:res[1]+1]

Merge Sort

Sorting a list using the merge sort algorithm

def merge_sort(arr: list) -> list:
    def merge(left, right):
        res = []
        while left and right:
            res.append(left.pop(0) if left[0] <= right[0] else right.pop(0))
        return res
    if len(arr) <= 1:
        return arr
    mid = len(arr) // 2
    return merge(merge_sort(arr[:mid]), merge_sort(arr[mid:]))


Find the “peak” of a list sorted in ascending and descending order

def peak(arr: list) -> int:
    mid = len(arr) // 2
    three = arr[mid-1:mid+2]

    if three[1] > three[0] and three[1] > three [2]:
        return three[1]
    elif three[0] < three[2]:
        if len(arr[:mid]) == 2:
            m -= 1
        return peak(arr[mid:])
        if len(arr[:mid]) == 2:
            m += 1
        return peak(arr[:mid])


Calculates $x^a$

def power(x: int, a: int):
    if not a:
        return 1
    if a % 2 == 0:
        return power(x, a//2) * power(x, a//2)
    return x * power(x, a//2) * power(x, a//2)